Formation and development of the addictological service in the Kemerovo region (on the 50th anniversary of the addictological service of Kuzbass)
A.A. Lopatin
State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “Kuzbass Clinical Addictological Dispensary named after Professor N.P. Kokorina”, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
I.I. Zorokhovich
State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “Kuzbass Clinical Addictological Dispensary named after Professor N.P. Kokorina”, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
D.V. Vostrykh
State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “Kuzbass Clinical Addictological Dispensary named after Professor N.P. Kokorina”, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
P.I. Nikitin
State Budgetary[S1] Healthcare Institution “Kuzbass Clinical Addictological Dispensary named after Professor N.P. Kokorina”, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Yu.Yu. Kirina
Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Kemerovo State Medical University”
of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Kemerovo, Russian Federation
Journal: Siberian Herald of Psychiatry and Addiction Psychiatry. 2024; 3 (124): 97-106.
The addictological service in the country was deployed on the initiative of the USSR Ministry of Health in the 70s of the XX century as a comprehensive system of medical and preventive institutions providing multistage psychosocial rehabilitation assistance to people with addictions, based on the characteristics of the patient's personality and the conditions of the microsocial environment. The article contains information about the history of the development of the addictological service in the Kemerovo Region, that will celebrate its 50th anniversary in 2024. The addictological service of Kuzbass at the present stage is characterized by a multi-level system of rendering the specialist medical care. Addiction specialists ensure the development of the main directions of improvement of the structure of the service, organization of rendering the addictological care, introduction and development of original effective medical technologies in the context of prevention, early detection, diagnostics, treatment and medical rehabilitation, implementation of a set of activities for management and assessment of the quality of clinical and therapeutic interventions for patients with addictive disorders at the inpatient and post-discharge stages based on a patient-focused approach.
Keywords: Kemerovo Region, addictological service, stages of development, provision of specialist medical care, modern technologies, development prospects.
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For citation: Lopatin A.A., Zorokhovich I.I., Vostrykh D.V., Nikitin P.I., Kirina Yu.Yu. Formation and development of the addictological service in the Kemerovo Region (on the 50th anniversary of the addictological service of Kuzbass). Siberian Herald of Psychiatry and Addiction Psychiatry.2024; 3 (124): 97-106.