Adopted at a meeting of the editorial board on December 23, 2004

Updates and changes from June 26, 2017 


The main general criteria for selecting articles for publication in the journal “Siberian Herald of Psychiatry and Addiction Psychiatry” include: relevance of the research topic, originality, scientific and/or practical novelty of the material, its value in theoretical and/or applied aspects.

The rules have been prepared in accordance with the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission for periodicals included in the List of leading peer-reviewed scientific publications, in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degrees of Doctor and Candidate of Science should be published, taking into account the recommendations of the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI).

When submitting an article to the editor, it is recommended to follow the following rules, drawn up taking into account the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, developed by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. 


General provisions.


1. “Siberian Herald of Psychiatry and Addiction Psychiatry” is a peer-reviewed scientific and practical journal, published in Russian with a frequency of 4 issues per year.


2. The journal 'Siberian Herald of Psychiatry and Addiction Psychiatry' publishes original articles and scientific reviews on topics of psychiatry, narcology, psychotherapy, and medical psychology, and information materials about congresses, conferences, and symposiums.


3. Journal structure:

Biological research in psychiatry and narcology

Cinical psychiatry,

Clinical narcology

Child and adolescent psychiatry

Psychosomatic disorders

Psychotherapy and medical psychology

Social psychiatry


Environmental psychiatry


Ethnopsychiatry and ethnonarcology

Penitentiary psychiatry

Organization of psychiatric care

New medical technologies

Lectures. Reviews

News from the region



4. The journal is included in the List of leading peer-reviewed scientific publications published in the Russian Federation, in which the scientific results of dissertations for the degree of doctor and candidate of sciences should be published.


5. The journal is included in the Abstract Journal and the Russian Science Citation Index database. The eLibrary platform hosts the table of contents for all issues of the journal since 1996 and full-text articles since 2002.


6. The journal has a website on the Internet:, which presents the contents of all issues of the journal and full texts of articles since 2013. The journal is also presented on the website


7. The editorial board of the journal “Siberian Herald of Psychiatry and Addiction Psychiatry”, when considering an article, can check the material using the Antiplagiarism system. In case of detection of numerous borrowings, the editors act in accordance with the COPE rules. Plagiarism is the deliberate appropriation of the authorship of someone else's work of science, thought, art, or invention. Plagiarism may be a violation of copyright law and patent law, and as such may incur legal liability for the Author. The author guarantees that he has exclusive rights to use the material transferred to the Editorial Board. In case of violation of this guarantee and claims against the Editorial Board in connection with this, the Author independently and at his own expense undertakes to settle all claims. The editors are not responsible to third parties for the violation of the guarantees given by the author.

8. The manuscripts and electronic media are not returned to the authors.

9. The editors reserve the right to shorten and edit the articles.

10. Only one article by the author (the first author) can be printed in one issue of the journal.

11. Submitting the text of the work for publication in the journal, the author guarantees the correctness of all information about himself, the absence of plagiarism and other forms of incorrect borrowing in the manuscript of the work, the proper design of all borrowings of the text, tables, diagrams, illustrations. The authors of published materials are responsible for the selection and accuracy of the facts, quotations, statistics, and other information.


Conditions to publish the article:


1. The article submitted for publication must be up to date, have novelty, and be performed at the modern methodological and methodological level, in compliance with the "Ethical principles for conducting scientific medical research involving humans" and in accordance with the "Rules of Clinical Practice in the Russian Federation". projects requiring the use of experimental animals must be carried out in accordance with the principles of humanity set out in the directives of the European Community (86/609/EEC) and the Declaration of Helsinki, in accordance with the "Regulations for the conduct of work using experimental animals".

2. Scientific results in articles must be processed by correct statistical methods.

3. The article must comply with the formatting rules.

4. The article must be accompanied by the official direction of the institution in which this work was carried out, with the signature of the head, certified by the round seal of the institution. A scanned form of the cover letter is sent when submitting the manuscript to the editor (in *.pdf or *.jpg format).

5. All authors must sign the License Agreement (fill in, sign (all authors), scan, and send when submitting the manuscript to the editorial office (in *.pdf or *.jpg format). A sample of the License Agreement can be downloaded in the Copyright section.

6. In the process of submitting an article, the author must confirm that the article has not been published or has not been accepted for publication in another scientific journal.

7. Publications are free-of-charge for authors.

Articles previously posted by authors on personal or public sites that are not related to other publishers are allowed for consideration.


Manuscript Submission Procedure


1. The manuscript is sent to the editor electronically by email. The file with the article must be submitted in Microsoft Word format (extension *.doc, *.docx, *.rtf).


2. Material of the article: text, including a summary in Russian and English, list of references, figure captions and tables, information about the authors is drawn up in one file; each figure is drawn up as a separate file. All pages of the manuscript, including tables, list of references, figures, and captions, and information about the authors should be numbered. In addition, the text should indicate where the figures/tables should be placed.

Information about the authors (full name, academic degree, position, place of work (city), country, email, phone, SPIN code, Researcher ID (WOS), Author ID (Scopus), ORCID, address, contact numbers, including mobile, fax, and e-mail, as well as the author responsible for correspondence with the editors and work with proofreading.


3. The names of the authors of the articles in English are presented in one of the accepted international transliteration systems.


4. The structure of the article should include:


UDC index

article title

name of authors

name of the institution where the work was performed

abstract (summary)

keywords in Russian and English

introduction (short)

purpose of the study

material and research methods

Research results and discussion


conflict of interest

sources of financing,

compliance with the principles of ethics,





Titles of articles must meet the following requirements: be informative; only generally accepted abbreviations may be used in them; in the translation of the titles of articles into English there should not be transliterations from Russian, except for untranslatable names of proper names, devices and other objects that have their own names; also, untranslatable slang, known only to Russian-speaking specialists, is not used. This also applies to author summaries (abstracts) and keywords.


1.Volume of the full text of the manuscript. The volume of the article (in the Microsoft Office Word program in one file) should not exceed 15 A4 pages, including tables, diagrams, figures and a list of references. In the case when the volume of the article exceeding the standards, in the opinion of the author, is justified and cannot be reduced, the decision to publish is made at a meeting of the editorial board on the recommendation of the reviewer. The publication of an article of more than 15 pages is possible subject to additional payment (each subsequent page is paid for their calculation of 1 page -350 rubles). The service of translating article metadata from Russian into English (article title, abstract, keywords, list of references, data about authors), searching for UDC and LBC is paid.


2. Format of manuscript text.

- font of the main text "Times New Roman"

- font size of the main text 14 points

- line spacing - 1.5

- top and bottom margins - 20 mm, left - 30 mm, right - 1.5 mm

- alignment in width


3. Russian-language block of the manuscript

-UDC index

The title of the article is in capital letters.

-Initials and surname(s) of the author(s);

-Institution: name, city, country.

If authors from different institutions took part in writing the manuscript, it is necessary to correlate the names of the institutions and the full names of the authors by adding numerical indices in upper case before the names of the institutions and the names of the corresponding authors.

Contact person: full name, email, phone 




UDC 616.89-008.1-0551/2




Ivanov I.P.1, Sidorov M.P.3, Petrov S.N.1,2


1FSBEI HE “... State Medical Academy” of the Ministry of Health of Russia,

600000, N-sk, Lenin Street 1

2KCIH “Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital”

600000, N-sk, Mira Avenue 1

3Research Institute …

500000, Moscow, Tverskaya Street 1


-Summary of the article in Russian. The recommended length of the resume text should be 200-250 words. The abstract is the main source of information in domestic and foreign information systems and databases that index the journal. It must be remembered that in order to get into a foreign database, information must be understandable and interesting, first of all, to the foreign medical community, which, without knowing the Russian language, could, without referring to the full text, get the most complete picture of the subject and level of published research by Russian scientists. Therefore, the abstract should be informative (do not contain common words), meaningful (reflect the main content of the article), structured (follow the logic of describing the results in the article).

The text of the abstract should use syntactic constructions typical of the language of scientific and technical documents, and avoid complex grammatical constructions (not applicable in scientific English). As an aid to writing an abstract, you can use GOST 7.9-95 “Abstract and abstract. General requirements”.

The abstract should state only the essential facts of the work. The structure of the summary should include sections: 'Introduction', which contains the rationale for the relevance and purpose of the study; “Methods”; “Results” and 'Conclusion'.


-Keywords. It is necessary to specify keywords - from 5 to 10, reflecting the content of the article and contributing to the indexing of the article in search engines.


The full text (in Russian, English, or both) should be structured into sections.

Introduction. The section reveals the relevance of the study based on literature reference, highlights the state of the issue, and links to the most significant publications. At the end of the introduction, a goal is formulated that reflects the need for the study.

Material and Methods. The section is devoted to information about patients included in the study (quantitative and qualitative characteristics of patients/examined) or experimental animals, study design, clinical, laboratory, instrumental, experimental and other methods used, including methods of statistical data processing. When mentioning equipment and medicines, the company and country of origin are indicated in parentheses. The journal uses international non-proprietary names (INN) of medicines and preparations. Trade (proprietary) names under which preparations are produced by various companies are given in the "Material and Methods" section, indicating the manufacturer's company and their international nonproprietary (generic) name.

Results – the main part of the manuscipt. The results should be presented in a logical sequence in the text, and they can also be presented in the form of tables and illustrations. Duplication of results is not allowed: the text should not repeat all the data from tables and figures, only the most important of them should be mentioned; the figures should not duplicate the data given in the tables. The captions of the figures and descriptions of the details under the appropriate numbering should be presented on a separate page. Measurement values ​​must comply with the International System of Units (SI).

The place where a figure or table should be placed in the text is marked on the page margin with a square in which the number of the figure or table is placed.

Abbreviations of words, names (except for generally accepted abbreviations of measures of physical, chemical, as well as mathematical quantities and terms) are not allowed. Measures are given according to the International System of Units (SI) and temperature according to the Celsius scale.

Discussion. The section includes an interpretation of the results and their significance with reference to relevant work by other authors. The content of this section should be clear and concise. It is necessary to highlight new and important aspects of the results of your research and, if possible, compare them with the data of other researchers. It is not necessary to repeat the information already given in the "Introduction" section and the details from the "Results" section. The limitations of the study and its practical significance should be noted. Reasonable recommendations can be included in the discussion.

Conclusion. The section contains a summary of the research results based on own data.

Tables. Tables should be clear, complementing but not duplicating the text. Each table should have a serial number corresponding to the first mention of it in the text and a short title placed above the table. Each column in the table should have a short title (abbreviations may be used). All explanations and abbreviations used in the tables are deciphered in a note. Describe the statistical methods used to represent the variability of the data and the significance of the differences. Each table is placed after the text of the article with the number, title, and explanation (note, abbreviations).

Figures (graphs, diagrams, diagrams, drawings and other illustrations drawn using MS Office) must be contrasting and clear and presented in electronic formats jpg, bmp, gif with a resolution of at least 300 dpi, diagrams - in Excel format or built directly in the program Word.

Image files must be named according to the figure number in the text. In the description of the file, a caption should be given separately, which should correspond to the name of the photograph placed in the text.

Captions for illustrations are printed on a separate page at 1.5 intervals with numbering in Arabic numerals corresponding to the figure numbers. The caption for each drawing consists of its title and “legend” (explanations of parts of the drawing, symbols, arrows, and other details). Figures and tables should not duplicate each other. For graphs and charts, the given coordinate axes and the given data are noted along the abscissa. All drawings and graphs must also be submitted electronically. If you need to print color illustrations for the article, payment is required (the amount is specified in the printing house at the time of replication of the journal).

Information on conflict of interest. Authors should disclose potential and apparent conflicts of interest related to the manuscript. Any situation (financial relations, service or work in institutions that have a financial or political interest in published materials, official duties, etc.) that can affect the author of the manuscript and lead to concealment, distortion of data, or change their interpretation can be considered a conflict of interest. The presence of a conflict of interest among one or more authors is not a reason for refusing to publish an article. Concealment of potential and obvious conflicts of interest on the part of the authors revealed by the editors may be the reason for refusal to consider and publish the manuscript.

Information on sponsorship. It is necessary to indicate the source of funding for both the scientific work and the process of publishing the article (foundation, commercial or government organization, private person, etc.). The amount of funding is not required.

Acknowledgments. The authors can express their gratitude to people and organizations that contributed to the publication of the article in the journal, but are not its authors.

Ethical compliance.Compliance with the ethical standards developed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki of the WMA is indicated, confirmed by the relevant minutes of the meeting of the ethics committee of the organization (indicating the number of the protocol and the date of the meeting)


References, bibliography


In the bibliography (list of references (GOST R 7.0.5-2008 “Bibliographic reference. General requirements and compilation rules”)), each source should be placed on a new line under the serial number. In the list, all works are listed in citation order, NOT alphabetical order.

References to sources are given in square brackets in Arabic numerals in the text of the article.

References for the original article - no less than 15 and no more than 25 sources. For a scientific review and summarizing articles, no more than 60 sources.

In the bibliographic description of each source, ALL AUTHORS should be presented. It is not acceptable to abbreviate the title of the article. The title of English-language journals should align with the catalog of titles in the MedLine database. If the journal is not indexed in MedLine, its full title must be indicated. The names of domestic journals cannot be abbreviated.

It is not recommended to include dissertations in the list of references, since it is difficult to get acquainted with them, as well as abstracts of dissertations, the main content of which is set out in the publications cited in the abstract, links to which seem to be more correct. References to abstracts of reports are also undesirable.

References should follow the format recommended by the American National Information Standards Organization (NISO) adopted by the National Library of Medicine (NLM) for the Library's MEDLINE/PubMed database NLM:

If the source has doi, it must be given (at the end of the record).

References are presented in two versions: 1) in accordance with GOST R 7.0.5 2008 (Russian version together with foreign sources); 2) a variant in Latin, repeating the bibliography for the Russian part, regardless of whether it contains foreign sources or not.


Examples of bibliographic description of journal articles:


Ivanov I.S., Petrov P.I., Sidorov S.S. Title of the article. S.S. Korsakov Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry. 2012; 112(5–2): 17–23.


Trajanovska A.S., Vujovic V., Ignjatova L., Janicevic-Ivanovska D., Cibisev A. Sexual dysfunction as a side effect of hyperprolactinemia in methadone maintenance therapy. Med. Arch. 2013; 67: 48–50. doi: 10.4103/0253–7176.140699


Variants of the bibliographic description of journal articles (examples):


An example of a bibliographic description of books: 


Jenkins PF. Narcology. New York: Oxford University Press; 2005. 194 p.


Ivanov I.S., Petrov P.I., Sidorov S.S. Psychiatry ... . 2nd ed. Moscow: Medicine; 2014. 200p.


Examples of a bibliographic description of books:



An example of a bibliographic description of conference materials:


Ivanov VP, Petrov MV, Sidorov IK, ... . In: Simonov SI, editor. Relevant issues of psychiatry and narcology. Materials of the regional scientific-practical conference; 2014 September 19-20; Mental Health Research Institute of the Tomsk National Research Medical Center, Tomsk. Tomsk: Publishing house “Ivan Fedorov”; 2014. p.38


Examples of a bibliographic description of conference materials:


An example of a bibliographic description of dissertations: 


Petrov V.P. Mental disorders in ... [dis. ... dr. med. nauk]. [Tomsk]; 2002. 172 p.


An example of a bibliographic description of dissertations: :



Scheme of bibliographic description of Russian patents:


Surname of the IE of the inventor, applicant, patent owner; Name of the applicant institution. The name of the invention. Designation of the type of document, number, country name, index of the international classification of inventions. Registration number of the application; date of application; date of publication; information about the published document.


An example of a bibliographic description of Russian patents:


Zabolotskikh IB, Moskalev MA, Zabolotskikh NV; Rep. function center. surgeon. gastroenterol. A way to determine a person's state of anxiety. Patent No. 2131699 RF, MPK6 A61 B 5/117. No. 99126135/14; Appl. 14.12.99; Published 27.12.01, Bull. No. 36.


Variants of the bibliographic description of patents (examples):



An example of a bibliographic description of remote access resources:


UNECE Policy Brief No. 14 on Aging October 2013 Elderly mistreatment [Electronic resource] // URL: WG.1-19-R.pdf7. 


4. English-language block of the manuscript


-Article title. The English-language name must be competent from the point of view of the English language, while the meaning fully corresponds to the Russian-language name

-Author names. Full name must be written in accordance with the foreign passport, or in the same way as in articles previously published in foreign journals. First-time publishers who do not have a foreign passport should use the BSI transliteration standard (see below).

-Affiliation. The OFFICIAL ENGLISH NAME OF THE INSTITUTION must be indicated. The most complete list of institution names and their official English version can be found on the SEB website

-Abstract. The English version of the summary of the article must fully correspond in meaning and structure to the Russian version and be literate from the point of view of the English language.

Keywords To select keywords in English, use the thesaurus of the US National Library of Medicine Medical Subject Headings (MeSH).

-List of references for international citation databases (Web of Science and Scopus). Completely repeats the structure and content of the first version. Foreign sources are completely repeated.

The Russian-language sources are presented as follows:

Author(s) - transliteration

Title of the book or article - transliteration and translation into English in square brackets

Source - transliteration and translation into English

Digital output

Indicate the language of publication in parentheses (in Russian) 



Bokhan N.A., Mandel A.I., Peshkovskaya A.G., Badyrgy I.O., Aslanbekova N.V. Etnoterritorial'naya geterogennost' formirovaniya alkogol'noy zavisimosti u korennogo naseleniya Sibiri [Ethnoterritorial heterogeneity of alcohol dependence formation in the native population of Siberia]. Zhurnal nevrologii i psikhiatrii im: S.S. Korsakova – S.S. Korsakov Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry. 2013; 6: 9–14 (in Russian).


Link preparation technology using the transliteration system:

Website: We choose the BSI transliteration system (British Standard). We insert the text for transliteration into a special field and press the button "to transliteration".

-Information about authors.

-Information about the conflict of interest.

If there is no conflict of interest, then indicate: The authors declare the absence of possible conflicts of interest.


Reviewing and editing


1. All articles submitted to the editors are subject to independent review. Copies of reviews are sent to the authors; the originals are stored in the editorial office of the journal and are available at the request of the expert councils of the Higher Attestation Commission.

2. If the review contains an indication of the need to correct the article, then it is sent to the author for revision. In this case, the date of receipt by the editorial office is the date of return of the revised article.

3. An article sent to the author for revision must be returned in corrected form as soon as possible. A revised manuscript must be accompanied by a letter from the authors containing responses to all comments and explaining all changes made in the article.

4. The revised article, if necessary, is re-sent for review An article that requires revision after review is removed from consideration if it is not returned by the authors for more than 6 months.

5. In case of disagreement with the opinion of the reviewer, the author of the article has the right to provide a reasoned response to the editors of the journal. By decision of the editorial board, the article may be sent for re-reviewing to another specialist.

6. The editors reserve the right to make editorial changes to the manuscript that do not distort its meaning (literary and technological editing). The final text is agreed with the author upon reviewing the proofreading of the article.




The authors publishing in this journal agree to the following:

1. The authors retain the copyright to the work and grant the journal the right to first publish the work under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which allows others to redistribute the work as long as credits to the authors of the original work and the original publication in this journal are retained.

2. The authors reserve the right to enter into separate contractual arrangements regarding the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work in the form published here (for example, its placement in the institute repository, publication in the book), with reference to its original publication in this journal.

3. Authors have the right to post their work on the Internet (for example, in an institute repository or personal site) before and during the process of reviewing it by this journal, as this can lead to a productive discussion and more references to this work (See The Effect of Open Access).




Names and e-mail addresses entered on this journal's website will be used solely for the purposes indicated by this journal and will not be used for any other purpose or provided to other individuals and organizations.


Sending materials to the editorial office for publication means the consent of the author to the above requirements. 



Editorial Office address:


Russia, 634014, Tomsk, Aleutskaya Street 4. Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Tomsk National Research Medical Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences” Mental Health Research Institute, Editorial and Publishing Group. 


Tel.: (382-2) 72-35-16, fax:(382-2) 72-44-25.


E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.