Ethno-functional discrepancies in adolescents with somatic and neurological, and mental disabling diseases




I.E. Kupriyanova

Mental Health Research Institute, Tomsk National Research Medical Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk, Russian Federation

I.S. Karaush

FSBI “V.P. Serbsky National Medical Research Center of Psychiatry and Narcology” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation

 B.A. Dashieva

Mental Health Research Institute, Tomsk National Research Medical Center, Russian Academy of Sciences, Tomsk, Russian Federation


Journal:Siberian Herald of Psychiatry and Addiction Psychiatry. 2023; 4 (121): 70-75.



Background.Ethno-functional discrepancies in attitudes toward groups of ethnic characteristics (climatic-geographical, biological-anthropological and sociocultural) make it possible to determine the degree of integration of ethno-functional elements of a person’s mental life in the social and objective reality of living space and the degree of mental maladjustment, thereby opening up prospects for conducting rehabilitation psychotherapeutic interventions, which is especially important for adolescents with disabilities. Purpose of the Study: to determine ethno-functional discrepancies in various ethnic groups of adolescents (Russians and Buryats) with somatic and neurological, and mental disabling diseases. Materials and Methods.The basic experimental psychological methodology was a questionnaire to identify ethno-functional discrepancies by A.V. Sukharev (1998), which allowed us to identify three significant vectors: biological-anthropological, climatic-geographical, and sociocultural. The main sample of the study consisted of adolescents with somatic and neurological, and mental disabling diseases, having disorders of psychophysical development (hearing, vision, speech, musculoskeletal system, mental retardation) and undergoing special education. A psychodiagnostic survey of adolescents of two ethnocultural groups (Russians and Buryats), aged 15-18 years, female and male, was carried out in the educational process of a social adjustment school (n=65) and in the inclusive environment of a summer camp (n=73). Results.When studying ethnocultural discrepancies among Buryat adolescents, the predominance of phenomena of meaningful discrepancy between the stages of ethno-functional archogenesis was revealed; among Russian adolescents, the temporal structure of this process was predominantly disturbed. Ethnocultural inconsistency among Buryat adolescents manifested itself to a greater extent at the level of organization of the life activity of the adolescent her/himself than at the level of organization of family life and her/his integration in the community. No such intergenerational differences were found in the families of Russian adolescents. The use of individually oriented methods of ethno-functional psychotherapy made it possible to reduce anxiety in the examined adolescents, improve concentration when performing tasks, social cooperation and interpersonal interaction, and compensate for emotional and behavioral disorders.


Keywords:ethnopsychiatry, mental health, adolescents, ethnic characteristics, ethno-functional discrepancies, disabling diseases.


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For citation: Kupriyanova I.E., Karaush I.S., Dashieva B.A. Ethno-functional discrepancies in adolescents with somatic and neurological, and mental disabling diseases. Siberian Herald of Psychiatry and Addiction Psychiatry. 2023; 4 (121): 70-75.



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