An integrated approach to the treatment of neurotic disorders in participants of the Special Military Operation




I.I. Sheremetyeva

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Altai State Medical University” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Barnaul, Russian Federation

A.E. Stroganov

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Altai State Medical University” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Barnaul, Russian Federation

N.V. Kandrina

Regional State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “Altai Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital named after Erdman Yuri Karlovich”, Barnaul, Russian Federation

A.V. Plotnikov

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Altai State Medical University” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Barnaul, Russian Federation; Regional State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “Altai Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital named after Erdman Yuri Karlovich”, Barnaul, Russian Federation

E.O. Kuleshova

Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education “Altai State Medical University” of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Barnaul, Russian Federation; Regional State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “Altai Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital named after Erdman Yuri Karlovich”, Barnaul, Russian Federation


Journal: Siberian Herald of Psychiatry and Addiction Psychiatry. 2024; 4 (125):  27-35.



Introduction. Modern reality, characterized by global changes in the society which exert a negative psychological impact, predetermined the actualization of the problem of psychogenic disorders, as well as the search for new methods of their therapy in the complex of treatment and rehabilitation measures. Such methods include the technique of bioelectrical feedback (BFB) and the method of action-analytical correction (MAC) from the arsenal of transdramatic psychotherapy. Objective: to study the effectiveness of the complex therapy of neurotic disorders in participants of the SMO and their relatives. Materials. On the basis of the psychotherapeutic department of the ARCPH named after Erdman Yu.K., patients (n=42) with neurotic symptoms aged 18-65 years were examined and treated in 2023. Two groups were formed from the total sample: the main group (n=21) and the comparison group (n=21), matched by gender, age, number of primary visits to psychiatric care, and clinical manifestations (p>0.05). Psychoemotional bio-feedback training and 6-stage action-analytical correction were conducted in the main group. Methods: clinical-anamnestic, clinical-psychopathological, experimental-psychological (Beck Depression Inventory, Hamilton Anxiety Scale, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale). Statistical data processing was performed using the Statistica 12.0 (StatSoft) computer program. Results. The patients' condition was assessed at admission and over time (days 12 and 27). Patients of both groups received identical psychopharmacotherapy according to clinical guidelines. In the groups, the analysis of the results of psychopharmacotherapy did not reveal statistically significant differences (p>0.05). In most patients of the main group (76.2%) who underwent biofeedback training and action-analytical correction, the intensity of bioelectrical activity in the alpha range increased by more than 20% from the initial level, the severity of psychopathological symptoms decreased by 50%, the severity of the mental and somatic components of anxiety decreased, and the values of the average total score of the anxiety level according to the Hamilton scale and HADS decreased. Conclusion. The effectiveness of the combined use of psychopharmacotherapy, the biofeedback method and effective-analytical correction in the treatment of neurotic disorders in participants of the Special Military Operation has been proven. The combined implementation of biofeedback and MAC contributed to the initial stage of antidepressant therapy.


Keywords: neurotic disorders, biofeedback method, transdramatic psychotherapy, special military operation.


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For citation: Sheremetyeva I.I., Stroganov A.E., Kandrina N.V., Plotnikov A.V., Kuleshova E.O. An integrated approach to the treatment of neurotic disorders in participants of the Special Military Operation. Siberian Herald of Psychiatry and Addiction Psychiatry.2024; 4 (125): 27-35.



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