Non-suicidal self-harm in adolescence. Risk factors and course features (literature review)
Yu.V. Shaposhnikova
Regional State Budgetary Healthcare Institution “Krasnoyarsk Regional Psychoneurological Dispensary No. 1”, Krasnoyarsk, Russian Federation
Journal: Siberian Herald of Psychiatry and Addiction Psychiatry. 2024; 1 (122): 72-79.
Background. According to the published results of numerous studies, over the past 20 years there has been a significant increase in non-suicidal self-injuries (NSSI) among adolescents. Objective: to identify risk factors and characteristics of non-suicidal self-harm in adolescence using open databases of scientific medical literature by domestic and foreign authors. Materials and Methods: scientific publications on development risk factors, features of the course of various types of NSSI, selected from open access publications, were systematized and analyzed. The work used a general theoretical scientific method based on a comparative analysis of modern scientific domestic and foreign literature on the topic of research, typification of modern knowledge. The selection of works in the information retrieval system was carried out using the following keywords: adolescent mental health, suicidal risk, self-harmful behavior, prevalence and risk factors for NSSI. Based on the literature review, the current state of the problem of non-suicidal self-harm was highlighted, risk factors were identified, the features of non-suicidal self-harm were described, the connection was shown between the severity of self-harm and the individual psychological set-up of the individual (propensity for conflict, outbursts of aggression and anxiety-depressive reactions, neuroticism, reduced self-esteem). It was concluded that timely identification of risk factors, knowledge of the characteristics of self-harmful behavior, early psychodiagnosis of manifestations of NSSI played an important role in determining the personalized tactics for providing the psychological and psychiatric care, which affects the further mental state of adolescents.
Keywords: non-suicidal self-injurious behavior, prevalence assessment, risk factors, clinical manifestations, personal psychological characteristics, self-dissatisfaction, adolescence.
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For citation: Shaposhnikova Yu.V. Non-suicidal self-harm in adolescence. Risk factors and course features (literature review). Siberian Herald of Psychiatry and Addiction Psychiatry.2024; 1 (122): 72-79.
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