Psychiatric service of the Russian Federation: issues of organization and monitoring of indicators (2011-2021)




O.A. Makushkina

V.P. Serbsky Federal Medical Research Centre of Psychiatry and Narcology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation

A.V. Yazdovskaya

V.P. Serbsky Federal Medical Research Centre of Psychiatry and Narcology of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russian Federation


Journal: Siberian Herald of Psychiatry and Addiction Psychiatry. 2022; 4 (117):  72-82.



Background. The results of the 10-year dynamics of the main indicators of the activity of the mental health service in the Russian Federation reflect the paradigm of the development of practical psychiatry and can be used as the basis for a scientifically evidence-based program to reorganize the system of providing psychiatric care to the population of the country. Monitoring the activities of psychiatric services is necessary to manage the process of providing specialist care and improve it, to increase the efficiency of the structural units of the psychiatric service, since it allows to objectively assess the implementation of the treatment, prevention and rehabilitation tasks of the industry, to outline development priorities. Objective:analysis of indicators reflecting the resource provision and activities of the psychiatric service of the Russian Federation in 2011-2021, determining their main dynamic trends and characteristics. Research material: data from the unified system of state statistical reports were used. Methods used: clinical-epidemiological and statistical processing of the information received. Conclusion. Based on the results of monitoring indicators characterizing psychiatric care for the population of the country, their dynamic trends were determined. A significant place is given to the characteristics of the contingents of people with mental disorders, resource support for activities to protect the mental health of the population. Structural changes in the organization of the psychiatric service are described, the main vector of which was the development of hospital-replacing technologies and multidisciplinary forms of work, and the reduction in the number of beds in psychiatric hospitals. Urgent problems include a shortage of specialists and the continuing stigmatization of the psychiatric service. According to the authors, the presence of pronounced differences in resource provision and volumes of medical care for mental disorders in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation determines the need for quality control of this type of activity based on the principle of standardization using common approaches to its organization and evaluation of effectiveness.


Keywords: mental disorders, psychiatric service, organization of psychiatric care, general and primary morbidity, disability, hospitalization in psychiatric hospitals, extramural technologies.


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For citation: Makushkina O.A., Yazdovskaya A.V. Psychiatric service of the Russian Federation: issues of organization and monitoring of indicators (2011-2021).Siberian Herald of Psychiatry and Addiction Psychiatry.2022; 4 (117): 72-82.



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