Prevention of post-homicidal suicides: the role of the mass media and Internet resources
Tyumen State Medical University, Tyumen, Russian Federation
Journal: Siberian Herald of Psychiatry and Addiction Psychiatry. 2022; 4 (117): 64-71.
Background. The article discusses the issues of prevention of post-homicidal suicides (PHS) in the aspect of improving the policy of preventing self-destruction. Objective: to highlight the directions and measures of prevention of (PHS) in the field of public health associated with the mass media and Internet resources. Discussion. This type of pathological forms of behavior is relatively rare. Insufficient understanding of the mechanisms of formation of this kind of crimes (including interpersonal conflicts, recent extreme events and psychological crises in life), heterogeneity of contingents (by age, racial and socio-demographic characteristics, place of residence), factors (mental health problems, family history of suicidal or aggressive behavior) and risk groups make it difficult to develop effective prevention measures. The paper draws attention to the need to adopt a number of ideological principles for the coverage of (PHS) in the media (mass media) and resources of the Internet space to contain plots of murder and violence. A list of simple and clear measures is proposed to limit distorted and sensational information about the commission of PHS. The necessity of regulating security measures for all involved persons is substantiated when information is received about the presence of thoughts that pose a danger to others/oneself, with the intervention of employees of medical institutions, internal affairs bodies and with the involvement of specialists in the field of mental health as consultants. It is suggested that an increase in the informational responsibility of the media will contribute to a better and more professional approach when covering PHS since in reality the broadcasted illusory belief system can affect the actions of individuals. In general, this will reduce the negative information load on the population, as well as limit the possibility of access to it for persons with deviant behavior, potentially capable of reproducing this type of tragedy. As a separate area of preventive work, it is proposed to study the individual representation of deviant personalities in the Internet space, the nature of the material they publish, its dynamics, etc.
Keywords: post-homicidal suicides, suicide, prevention, mass media, Internet resources.
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For citation: Zotov P.B. Prevention of post-homicidal suicides: the role of the mass media and Internet resources.Siberian Herald of Psychiatry and Addiction Psychiatry.2022; 4 (117): 64-71.
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